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  • Summer Weather

    As we approach the Summer Solstice (21st June 11.24 am) it is a good time to take stock with how the year is going and to celebrate the longer, brighter days.

    So far this year there has been a lot of difficult news, from major UK banking problems at TSB heralded by the big move of Uranus into Taurus in May after more than 80 years, through to several celebrity suicides more recently. Of course, we have also had good news stories too, a new prince, a gloriously sunny Royal Wedding and a hopeful meeting of Trump and King Jong Un in Singapore which may lead to denuclearisation in the not too distant future. With both Saturn and Pluto moving slowly through heavy going Capricorn serious and important transformations and developments will feature alongside any Summer frivolities and for many more months to come.

    The Sun is currently in Gemini for a few more days before it makes its move at the Solstice into Cancer. The winged messenger Mercury is heading into Cancer in advance of the Sun this week. Gemini is all about thoughts, ideas and communication so a good time to have important conversations and get papers and thoughts in order before we move into a more sensitive and emotional landscape next week.

    Venus is also moving ahead of the Solstice into Leo, this brings an altogether more enjoyable and even decadent atmosphere, so if you’ve holidays booked this bodes well for fun times with just a little over-indulgence perhaps.

    Once the Sun is in Cancer things change somewhat and emotions are to the fore, we see Trump visiting the UK on an Eclipse on the 13th July with both the Sun and Moon joined in Cancer exactly opposite Pluto there will be turmoil and the planned demonstrations could be unpleasant even violent under these skies. With the partner eclipse two weeks later when the Sun is in Leo and the Moon joining Mars in Aquarius in a tight aspect to Uranus this is likely to be a challenging time.

    If you know your chart look at where Leo and Aquarius reside to see how this might affect you. Anything with a Uranus signature has the potential to surprise or even shock – let’s hope that these are welcome surprises!

    The Summer this year is unusual in that many planets will be ‘retrograde’ or appearing to move backwards. Whenever this happens it is a good time to review and revisit, it also brings the past into the present. Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto all spend some or all of the next few months revisiting old ground and you might find you are too. In fact with Mercury joining the backtrack on 25th of July slowing down from the 6th this is a good summer to turn your attention to sorting things out in your home, work, personal and financial environment. Mercury goes direct on 20th August but won’t be properly on his way until the 1st September so you’ll have plenty of time to get everything in order for a positive Autumn.