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About Julia

Julia was born in Kent where she spent most of her childhood ballroom dancing and enjoying the seaside moving to London in her early twenties and is now settled in Sussex close to Brighton.

Julia’s interest in Astrology goes back to her teenage years, after reading Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs she was fascinated by Astrology and how this affects personality and embarked on her own journey to discover more and find out how she could make use of astrology.

Formal study of Modern (psychological) Astrology started in the early 80’s once settled in North London, Julia achieved the Faculty of Astrological Studies’ certificate in 1990 and has continued to develop her skills and knowledge ever since attending conferences, courses and through reading. In 2012 Julia began studying Traditional Astrology and completed the STA (School of Traditional Astrology) certificate in 2015. Julia was awarded the London School of Astrology Diploma in 2022.

As well as adult and children’s charts Julia has an interest in Mundane Astrology (events, politics and world), Horary Astrology (questions – I’ve lost my cat) and Electional Astrology (when would be a good day in June to get married?) and meets regularly with other astrologers to look at political and world events and their links to the planetary landscape.

Julia’s main business for over 30 years has been in education, training and coaching and she is passionate about working with business owners, entrepreneurs and leaders. Julia plans to develop a collaborative practice linking astrology with business.