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Sign Characteristics

A light-hearted look at some of the characteristics of the 12 Zodiac Signs

(All referred to as ‘she’… for a change but just as applicable to the males!)

Aries ruled by the planet Mars

Aries marks the start of the astrological year as Spring dawns! This wonderful, vibrant lamb (well ram at least) is like all new-borns, full of vitality and potential. What Aries lacks in maturity she makes up for in vibrant, unbridled energy. A natural starter, not always a great finisher, Aries will drag you off the sofa and take you bungee jumping, she is exciting and exasperating in equal measure; fiery, courageous, impulsive and impatient and certainly never dull. Remember your Aries partner, sibling or friend is just a baby and may need a guiding hand from time to time and an aspirin for that headache.

Taurus ruled by the planet Venus

After exuberant Aries comes steady, calm, beautiful Taurus, original lover of art, music, countryside and food and you favourite couch potato. Your Taurus friend may take you on a gastronomic journey, cooking for you or eating with you, perhaps an art gallery or the theatre trip. Taurus is steady and secure, a practical helper – great if you need a hand with the decorating, her artistic talents are legendary, perhaps she’ll paint you a mural or sing you a beautiful song while you do the prep…she likes to build for the future and won’t thank you for too many surprises she’s watching her cash-flow, you need to go at her pace!

Gemini ruled by the planet Mercury

Well here’s a party animal, chatty, gossipy Gemini with a story to tell everyone, they can be the glue to any social occasion butterflying around the room! These people are curious, national connectors and ace networkers, they flex and adapt to all sorts of situation – of course that can make them a bit unpredictable even ‘flighty’ at times and they can certainly flirt when the mood takes them. Communication at all levels, a wicked sense of humour and the ability to strike a deal are key strengths. If you want to grab a spontaneous weekend break or meet new people in new places, tag along with your Gemini buddy!

Cancer ruled by the Moon

Lovely warm, family orientated Cancer, sensitive, emotional, caring, just the person you want by your side when you are having a tough time and the world seems to be going against you. Strong but sympathetic, maybe defensive at times, Cancer often has a fascination with the past, all things historical and traditional may appeal and a fabulous memory too – if you want to be reminded of when you shared a great experience together then your Cancer mate won’t need much prompting to retrieve that information! But remember she won’t always let you know what’s going under that shell – it’s just her way of protecting her soft heart.

Leo ruled by the Sun

Bold ‘brave’ Leo (or is she really a cowardly lion?), noble and proud, the spotlight rest of on her more often than not. The world’s a stage and she belongs there in full make-up and feathers! If you have a pedestal handy don’t forget to keep it for your Leo friend, she’s rather comfortable being slightly elevated and rising about the mundane. Have a night out with a Leo, it will be a lot of fun and she’s sure to attract a few ‘suitors’ with her charm, charisma and style. Don’t forget she loves/needs a few ‘strokes’ which she uses to maintain her glowing outer confidence (compliments please). Leo is a generous soul, she’s generous with gifts, her time and enthusiasm too and she will be true and loyal. One thing you can always say about a Leo is she is her own person, totally unique and on her own path, always a leader and sometimes a show-off.

Virgo ruled by the planet Mercury

Practically perfect in every way just like Mary Poppins (surely a Virgo?) our hands-on Virgo sets the high standards we all scramble to attain. Gliding effortlessly through chaos, tidying up as she goes, the queen of order and recycling! If you want something detailed accompished, ask a Virgo to help. Maybe a wedding seating plan or party guest list (she loves a list) and your Virgo mate will analyse the information and come up with a superb plan. The only issue you’ll have is whether it will be perfect enough (for Virgo) to hand over to you before the event actually takes place. Unlike showy Leo, Virgo, enjoys being ‘back stage’ where she can put her energy into worrying about getting everything right, just right! She will be quietly criticising every move you make ready for feedback….for your own good of course!

Libra ruled by the planet Venus

Peaceful, harmonious Libra, creating, developing and maintaining relationships at all costs, serious in the pursuit of love, harmony and matching cushions. Librans desire everything to be ‘beautiful’, they need connection and partnership, so much so they will bend over backwards (sometimes literally!) to accommodate the needs of others and wonder why they feel they are not getting their own needs met. Like Virgo, our Libra creates a streamlined environment but with more refinement and beauty, creativity and panache. Final warning – when you eat out with your Libran pal don’t forget to allow extra time for them to weigh up their choices on the menu and order or maybe have a snack before you go!

Scorpio ruled by the planet Mars (traditionally) and Pluto

After the light and airy feel of Libra we plunge into the deep, sometimes dark, mysterious depths of the Scorpio psyche… don’t go there without a torch! Control is the Scorpio’s mantra, being in control, controlling others, controlling those deepest fears and emotions. But Scorpio comes into her own in a crisis, she’s a fierce warrior in the face of adversity. Scorpio is tenacious and she simply has to get to the bottom things, she won’t let something go until she makes sense of it or solves a conundrum. That’s not to say everything is serious and intense with this sign, don’t forget her favourite subjects are death and survival!

Sagittarius ruled by the planet Jupiter

Wow these gals are full of adventure, loving all types of travel, forever the wanderer Sagittarius meanders through life with a real sense of freedom and optimism, they see opportunity in the face of adversity. If you are looking for subtly your backing the wrong horse, Sagittarius is inclined to speak her truth first and think about it later. The term ‘Lifelong Learning’ was surely penned with Sagittarius in mind, open-minded.. yes that’s another one that fits her and bodes well for the natural teaching ability that shines through. Bump into your Sagittarian friend after a few months and it’s pretty likely she’s taken up a new hobby, enrolled on another course, joined a spiritual group or signed up to an idealistic cause. And then there’s her physical prowess, so many challenges and so little time!

Capricorn ruled by the planet Saturn

Now we are getting serious! Capricorn thrives on authority, responsibility and hard work. Steady, utterly reliable and just who you need in your life when a solid, firm shoulder is required and another pair of capable hands. What Capricorn lacks in emotional support she more than makes up for in practical help, especially if your crisis is a financial or material one; planning, time-management (is there such a thing?) and budgeting really are her thing. If this makes her sound dull you’re wrong, a rye sense of humour and an innate ability to laugh at herself are all part of the package. One word of warning, she’s not going to break any rules, so ask another sign to come along if you are planning to break the speed limit or crash a party.

Aquarius ruled by the planet Saturn (traditionally) and Uranus

Fair, fair Aqua, the people’s sign, desiring equality for all, disliking privilege and no fan of celebrity or royalty either. Aquarius has the ability to be objective and detached. Funny word detached… it can be a great thing if you are looking for an unbiased viewpoint but no fun if you are looking for deep, dependant loving commitment, Aquarius is not inclined to be needy! She will strive for independence and need her freedom at all costs but there is no better friend and ally. If you want a successful group to operate she’s probably more committed than most and she’ll throve on making sure everyone takes their turn. The way to keep an Aquarian in your life is to expect the unexpected and never try to clip her wings. Just because she’s not around all the time doesn’t mean she doesn’t care and someone’s got to save the planet, right?

Pisces ruled by the planet Jupiter (traditionally) and Neptune

The final of the 12 signs, this gal has probably been here before or if she hasn’t she thinks she has! Ever the dreamy fantasist she’s eerily artistic and creative and may be completely whacky in equal measure. Pisces is considered the most spiritual sign, often drawn to a life of spiritual/charitable service, she moves between this world and the other, often psychic, frequently intuitive and ultimately a true healer (although she may need to work on her own healing journey first)! We need to talk about boundaries… this is an aspect of Pisces that she can struggle with. She may be distant and ethereal, or a real grafting martyr and I doubt we’d ever have had so many great movies without her. PS. Watch the drinks cabinet, Pisces sometimes simply can’t help helping herself!