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Branches of Astrology

Branches of Astrology

Astrology is the study of the cycles of the sun, moon and the planets and how these aspects relate to individuals, situations and events. Our ancestors have been using the movements of the planets for centuries to understand individuals and events and there is a wealth of documented evidence and information which is used to help the modern-day astrologer in interpreting chart data.


Natal Astrology (Birth chart)

In Natal Astrology we use a ‘birth chart’ or horoscope which is calculated by looking at the date, time and place of birth which will give the positions of the sun moon and planets at this time. By analysing the positions of the planets and their symbolic meaning and relationships, we can help an individual gain a better understanding of themselves and how they can best realise their potential and overcome challenges. The birth chart gives a unique assessment of the personality, with information on the strengths, talents and the difficulties to be overcome.


Getting a natal chart analysis provides the basis for any other branches of astrology and for forecasting. Forecasting tools can provide useful information on planetary cycles for a specific time period and can be offered alongside a natal chart analysis.


Relationship Astrology (Synastry)

This is the analysis of the relationship between two people using their natal charts and other tools to provide information to help better understand the connection between the two. Synastry is usually requested by romantic couples looking to understand and assess their union but could equally be carried out using the charts of two business partners.

Mundane Astrology

Mundane Astrology is an ancient form of astrology that has a long history back to the 3rd Millennium and is concerned with world events both current and historical and the prediction of future world or nations’ affairs. It incorporates topics such as political situations, the fortunes of monarchs and leaders as well as natural events such as earthquakes. Mundane Astrology is based on a belief that there is a correlation between the position and movement of the planets and what happens on earth.

Horary Astrology (Traditional)

Horary astrology is an ancient form of astrology based on asking questions e.g. where are my lost car keys? Horary means ‘of the hour’ in other words it is about the exact time a question is posed and the analysis of the chart for that moment. This type of astrology tends to be exact and specific and is quite different from more modern, psychological astrology. Traditionally Horary astrology was used historically most frequently to diagnose medical conditions, to calculate if someone would live or die of a serious illness or to find out if ships were lost at sea. In the past 10 years Traditional Astrology has undergone a resurgence in popularity and many ancient texts have been translated into English enhancing the collective knowledge.

Electional Astrology


This branch of astrology is concerned with identifying the best date to do something important such as getting married, planning medical surgery, launching a new business or put a house up for sale. Usually the client will have a ‘window of time’ which the astrologer has to consider to ‘elect’ the best date for the event in question. There is no such thing as a perfect chart so the process requires evaluating the pros and cons of the possible available dates and times then selecting what the client perceives to be most appropriate option for their goals. Of course, with our 24/7 culture, it is now possible to consider more time options than previously.

A Note on using Astrology in Business

If you are interested in using Astrology to enhance your business several of the above branches may be useful. Natal Astrology can be used to examine the chart of the business leader and/or key people in the business, every business will have its own chart, this might be the day of its first sale or trade, the date it was formed or incorporated legally if known. Electional Astrology can be used to select an auspicious date to open a shop or launch a new website for example. Mundane Astrology will give a general back drop to cycles likely to impact a business and of course Synastry could explore key business partnerships. Finally, Horary could also be considered where a key question needs to be posed such as ‘will I win the contract?’